◊ This program is distributed as Shareware: if you like it or use it please honor the shareware system by sending $5 to the author at the address above. Since collecting international cheques is very expensive, please send cash only. If you MUST send a cheque, keep in mind that the banks will gobble up more than half of it.
◊ NOTE: Getting some (usually very few) bucks is what you write shareware for, but getting a note, a postcard or anything else is a lot better than getting nothing. I'd like to know how far this program has gone, so remember that you can do something nice even if you don't have a couple of $$$ to spare.
◊ Find Fat Projects is a little utility designed to make life easier for Think C programmers. All it does is to scan any folder or disk you drop on it and make a list of all projects that happen to be larger than 15K. A large project usually has objects in it, and since objects take lots of disk space you may want to remove them before making backup copies (or just to free some disk space). If you only have a couple of projects this is not a problem, but if you have some more of them Find Fat Projects will help you a lot.
◊ 1.00 - First final release.
• HAVE FUN! And don't forget to $$$ SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTION $$$ so that more cool utilities will see the light in the near future, at the low-low-low costs of shareware.